Tag: life events

  • Another New Year

    Well, another year has come and gone. The holidays are just about over now, and Monica and I are truly blessed to have so many family and friends that care so much about us. Last year was pretty eventful for us with the car accident, changing jobs multiple times, buying a new house, and Monica…

  • You choo-choo-choose me?

    I finally got my train up and running, after years of sitting in a broken-down box, season after season tucked away in an attic. I tried to get it working a couple of weeks ago. There engine would run, but the gears wouldn’t turn, so I dropped it off at a local train store to…

  • Thankful

    As I sit here watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade (can’t get enough of those NBC stars, huh? :whocares: ), I can’t help but ponder the things that Monica and I are so thankful for this year. We’re thankful for… …God providing and watching over us each and every day. …each other. …our quirky dog,…

  • Butt-Whoopin’

    Last Friday night, I was forced to see what is quite possibly the worse movie of the year. This past Friday night, we saw what is quite possibly the best movie of the year. And then on Saturday, we had a marathon Christmas shopping session where we bought almost all of the gifts that we…

  • One Ring to Rule Me

    Pretty much immediately after I got married, my wedding ring morphed from beautiful yellow and brushed white gold into a dented piece of gold colored metal. I guess I’m just really tough on rings. I’m not sure how it happened, whether I subconsciously tap it constantly or what, but I suspect the majority of the…

  • Where You Bean

    Yeah, I know. I haven’t posted in awhile. What can I say? Things have been a bit…interesting…to say the least lately. I’ve spent most of my time the last few weeks working on our house. I’ve painted and painted and painted and finally, I decided to paint some more. I’ve also planted some grass seed…

  • 20 Years Ago Today

    On October 14, 1984, my family and I moved from Puerto Rico to New York City. I can’t believe it! Sometimes I feel that it was just yesterday and other times, it seems like an eternity ago. I still remember waking up really early for our 7 AM flight, the outfit I wore and also…

  • The Adventures of Monica – September 2004

    As most of you know, I have gone back to school full-time, and I am very excited about it. However, it is definitely an adventure. I have made it through the first month but I have a long way to go. Adjusting to having NO life has been really strange. Watching TV, going to the…

  • Auf Wiedersehen, Herr Jetta

    Back on June 12, Monica and I were smack dab in the middle of looking for a new house. We got up that morning, quickly ate breakfast, and took off to look at an attached home that just didn’t do it for us. As we mulled over that house, heading down the road to look…

  • I’m A Big Kid Now

    I’m starting to enjoy being a homeowner, and that scares me. For some reason, I get great satisfaction out of fixing the little things that are messed up around the house. Whether it’s patching a little hole or running some cable down a wall, I feel good after doing it. Ten years ago, all I…