School Update

I just finished my first full week of nursing school, and although I am tired, I am also excited, nervous, anxious and just a tad bit stressed.

From the very first day we had long lectures, reading assignments, lab practices, and my very first exam is this coming Tuesday. I spend most hours of the day studying, studying, and when I am done, I study some more.

I also practice nursing techniques on Brian, and I think he is going to start hiding from me so that I don’t take his blood pressure, pulse or respiration anymore. He has warned me that his participation in helping me study procedures stops with his vitals. When it comes to drawing blood, starting IVs or other invasive procedures I am on my own.

I will carry my blood pressure cuff and stethoscope everywhere so watch out because I will practice on anyone!

My clinicals (hospital rotations) do not start until October so I want to get all the practice I can. Hopefully in 2 years when it is all said and done I will be a licensed Registered Nurse and it will be totally cool to write that RN after my name!



