It seems I’ve been having some back luck with our PCs as of late. I was getting an event id 51 on one of them and it was insufferably slow to do anything on it. The error was appearing in the system log file every three or so seconds so the PC was spending all of it’s time telling me something was wrong. Even trying to get to see the system log file was an exercise in futility; there’s nothing like an error occuring and the system that tells you about the error makes it virtually impossible for you to see what it’s telling you. Thank you, Microsoft. :angry:
I was finally able to figure out that the problem was the hard drive failing (or about to do so), but luckily I have a couple of others lying around from other PC experiments. I had to install XP again, and I’m in the process of copying all of my multimedia back over (thus the reason for brimon radio not functioning currently), but everything will soon be back to normal.