
So I finally decided to hack my xbox.

For those not aware, to hack your xbox, you have to disassemble it, solder in a modchip, and then reassemble it. It’s that easy. 🙂

Actually, I had never soldered before and the thought of it seemed quite daunting, but after much research and some practice on an old soundcard, I decided to give it a shot. And what do you know, it worked on the first try. That never happens.

So what does hacking your xbox get you? Well, for starters, I can upgrade the harddrive and then copy games to it. This makes for lightning quick load times. But the best part of the whole process is the ability to run other software on your xbox, my favorite of which is the xbox media center. It lets me stream mp3s, photos, and video from any PC and display it on my TV screen, all with an intuitive GUI. It’s the bomb, as the kids say, or as they used to say I guess…I’m so behind on the hip lingo.

I can’t really direct you to where to get this software of which I speak, but suffice it to say that IRC is your friend. So get out there there and start hacking!



