My Turn to Gab

Hello, everyone! I thought it was about time some of my thoughts got on this thing. First of all I want to thank Brian for his amazing hard work in putting this site together. I bug him for spending so much time on the computer, but I do love the results! Thanks, Brian!

The weather in the DC area today should be close to 80 degrees and that makes me happy. I have never been so miserable as I have been this winter. I don’t like snow, I hate being cold and I hope never to shovel as much snow as I did in the past few months. Finally I am feeling like Spring is finally here and it makes me a much happier person or at least that is Brian’s hope.

As Summer gets closer, I realize that our wedding day is just around the corner and we both hope we make it past the planning to actually enjoy the day. I want to thank all of our friends and family who have helped with it all and we hope you hang in there with us! Special thanks go to Kim Thies who keeps reminding me that I am ahead of schedule; Debra Fields who all the way from Japan manages to help me with wedding day/honeymoon fashion and thanks to Ashley LaGasse. Ashley can somehow manage to give me sympathy when I tell her I am stressed while she works on getting her Masters, teaches and volunteers! I sure know how to pick them!

I wish everyone a great rest of the week and we hope to see you all soon!

Our thoughts and prayers are with our troops and everyone involved in the current conflict!


