Burn, Baby, Burn

Yeah, I know, I’m a big slacker for not posting much lately. What’s my excuse? We’ve been very busy. And I’m lazy.

So no snow the last two weeks and it’s been wonderful. Who knew no snow could be so much fun? There’s still a few piles of it on the ground, but things are starting to get back to normal. Don’t tell that to our wounded bush out front.

So I mentioned in a previous post about making VCDs and SVCDs. Well, as it turns out, I got a great deal on a DVD burner, so now I’ll be making our very own DVDs. Now if I could just perfect my machine to stop time so I could actually do all of the things I would like to do.

I’m cranking out some long over due updates for our wedding section. It will be a work in progress this week so bear with me until I get it done.

Oh, and don’t forget to vote in our new poll.


