Ask Dr. Doogie

Ok, did mostly behind the scenes stuff today like automate entry of the blogs, though you may notice some font sizes have changed on most of the pages. They were way too big before. The guestbook was intended to be solely for wedding talk, but I think it may have already evolved into one for the whole site. I’m probably going to move it to a more general page soon. I still need to tweak the navigation for some of the pages.

Boy, I feel like Doogie Howser already with these blogs…without the really insightful commentary.

Very long day at work today. I had to commute via metro and it totally sucked because, as it takes forever on normal days, a train broke down which made things even worse.

And thanks to Verizon, I now have “All I Need is Miracle” playing constantly in my head. Thank goodness I have it on mp3 and can share my misery with Monica. 🙂



